This is our family blog.
Every moment is so special we have to record it.
Please enjoy keeping up with our precious memories.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break

I have been very bad about keeping up with my blog and I hate that so much time has gone by! We are 5 weeks away from having baby number three, boy or girl, we still don't know....don't want to know. The surprise will be fun! Uncle Mikes wedding is almost two weeks away and I want to be there more than anything so hopefully the baby will not come too early! Elizabeth and Lauren are on spring break and since we are so close to my due date are just staying in town. We have been working hard to keep busy. Yesterday we saw the movie Mars Needs Moms with some friends and the girls enjoyed that even thought the movie was not very good. This morning after a nice workout at the Y we went to the park with friends so the kids could practice their running for the upcommimg YKnot race, 1 mile for the kids. They actually ran two miles (taking more than a few breaks) and did a great job! Then we headed to Chick Fil A, Dyersburgs newest most fantastic resturant! Now we are home and of course the kids are bored.
The girls have been very cute to watch as we prepare for McDonald baby number 3 to arrive. I wanted to share a picture of something I discovered the other day. When I was upstairs in the playroom I noticed that the girls cleaned off a bookshelf to make room for the baby. They have put on the shelves things they are giving the baby or have made the baby. You may not be able to read the signs but this is what they say... the top one says, "stuff for both baby boy or girl", the bottom left says, "stuff for baby boy", the bottom right says, "stuff for baby girl". Anyway, I thought this was very cute.
I'm off to entertain the girls but will try and do a better job keeping up with my blogging.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A lot happening!

I cannot believe I have not written on my blog since August!! I guess I have been busy! To start we have big news, a new baby is coming April 27th! We are all so excited, guessing everyday if its a boy or girl and coming up with all kinds of names. Lauren told me soon after watching the Adams Family that we should name the baby "Friday". I told her I didn't think I likes that name! I think Elizabeth is worried that if we have a boy its going to beat her up. I told her she did not need to worry since she will be 8 years older.
So since school started Elizabeth has been busy with Brownies, soccer, piano and just starting basketball! Lauren has enjoyed her dance and gymnastics, she's anxious to see what her dance recital costume will be this year!
We also had a amazing Halloween party this year, I will try to post the pictures in the next few days. We had about 35 people and it was a great success!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Elizabeth turned 8!

August was crazy so I am hoping that is a good enough excuse for just now posting about Elizabeth's birthday! It was a great day! We started the morning with her favorite chocolate chip pancakes, she went to school and I brought cupcakes there to celebrate with her friends. Then, that evening Grandpa Wall came to visit and we had a wonderful Birthday dinner with a M&M birthday cake! On Saturday she had around 25 friends join her for a wonderful party at the roller skating rink! We had a great time! I cannot believe my baby is eight!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Canada 2010

Every summer we head to Canada for a couple weeks for some family time with McDonald's. We have a 1,000 mile car ride along with a couple hours in the grocery store before we finally arrive. Getting there is hard work but well worth it. The cottage has no electricity, and my cell phone does not work but the one on one family time is very special. Hunters Grandparents who live in Nashville spend their whole summer in Canada and he also has Cousins, Aunts and Uncles that come all summer long. Its really a great time to visit with family we don't always get to see.
This summer we went on a lot of picnics where the girls enjoyed catching minnows, frogs and any other creatures they came across. We also worked hard on catching enough bass for a fish dinner that ended up to be our dinner the last night. Lauren was such a sport while we fished, she would bring her Barbies or stuffed animals and keep herself busy playing on the boat while Hunter, Elizabeth and I fished. One night while Hunter and I ate dinner with his Grandparents we watched the girls play by the water with rocks, logs and sticks. Watching them was more fun for the four of us. To see them outside playing, using their imagination was priceless.
No TV, no phone, no computer, just family.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lauren is 5!

Lauren turned 5 this past week on July 6. I cannot believe how time flies by so quickly. Hunter and I bought her a American girl doll and she has been really enjoying it. She named her, "Elizabeth" so to tell the two Elizabeth's apart we decided to call her, "baby Elizabeth".
We first celebrated in Nashville with Mimi and Grandaddy. Mimi's birthday was on July 1st so we had a wonderful Carmel cake and sang to Lauren and Mimi. Then, back in Dyersburg Lauren had a dress up tea party at a wonderful tea room called Charleen's. She had 9 little girls and they dressed up, had real tea, learned manners and enjoyed cake. Lastly, we had a little celebration in St.Louis with Grandma, Aunt Julie and Cousin Waylon. What a fun week of celebration!!
From 2010-07

From 2010-07

Thursday, July 8, 2010

4TH of July!

For the 4Th of July we went to Linville, NC to celebrate Grandfather White's Birthday. We had a wonderful time!
We had a great night at a big fourth of July party. There was wonderful food, games for the kids, face painting and dancing!
Another night we went to a big picnic and enjoyed watching the kids run and play!
During the day Hunters Aunt Barbie and I hiked while Hunter got to play some golf and the girls played ping pong!
One day we also went to Grandfather Mountain with Nanny and Uncle John. The swinging bridge was a little much for Lauren and I but everyone else made their way across. Both girls loved the little zoo. The bears were so much fun to watch and almost seemed to enjoy us as much as we loved them.
This was a amazing trip and we are so thankful for the time we got to spend with family we don't usually get to see much!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer has been so busy but also so much fun! This past week the girls went to vacation bible school at our church in Dyersburg. They had such a great time! They loved the music and the bible stories! Everyday the older kids would put on little skits, they had some fun characters; water girl and pizza boy. They came home everyday to tell me all about what water girl and pizza boy did that day.
Elizabeth was so excited to go to vbs but at the same time did not want to miss swim team practice. She decided that she could go early and swim with the older kids from 8am -8:45, shower at the pool quickly just in time to make it to vbs at 9am (something that you can really only pull off in a small town, where everything is just around the corner). I was so impressed with her and this busy schedule! All her hard work did pay off, at the swim meet this week she won a 4Th place ribbon in butterfly and 1st in relay! We were so proud of her!
Also this week we celebrated Conner Dobies 5Th birthday! Conner invited us to see Toy Story 3 with him. The movie was great, we had so much fun!